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Mindset and Philosophy of Makers

We start our day Making a badge to introduce ourselves to the rest of the participants.


Pictured above in the inaugural workshop on July 31, 2015, is Oak Grove Union School District's Superintendent, Michael Kellison as he makes his name tag.

We started the day introducing Carol Dweck's concept of Mindsets and we encouraged participants to check-in with their mindset throughout the day as we moved through various experiences.


When do you feel yourself having a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset?

Patricia and I had so much fun developing this course that we are set to conduct it AGAIN in September!


Participants were engaged, excited, and charged. I am hopeful that Making will take their craft to a new level like it has for me.


We dove into the NGSS DCI arrangement and the Appendices in order to think about these standards through the lens of making.


In vertical teams of various grade levels, teachers examine the NGSS standards to find commonalities and to think about how engineering practices apply. The goal here is to elicit ideas for projects, problems, and activities that teachers will develop with their students.


Connecting Making to Standards

Professional Development 2015


Patricia Amend Ehn and I started work in April to develop a two day, ten hour workshop that integrates Maker philosophy and NGSS/CCSS. Our first round was held on July 31 and Aug. 3. This course is offered through Sonoma State University's Extended Education Program. Here is the web address to see the course syllabus and to enroll!

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